About the Author

Author headshot

The website author, Karen Murray, works in the DFW Metroplex and is a licensed occupational therapist of 27 years, Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist as well as Certified Hand Therapist and ACE certified personal trainer who specializes in working with stroke patients.

Background Info

Her background / experience includes:

Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy 

BS Degree in Kinesiology / Health Promotion and Fitness 

Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist from Neurorecovery Unlimited

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Hand Therapist

LSVT Big Certified (Parkinson's treatment)

Certified in Saebo fitting

Certificate in Advanced Practice in Hand and Upper Quarter Rehabilitation from Drexel University         

Training in various stroke rehab techniques through multiple continuing education courses (NDT/Bobath, Neuro-Ifrah, Bioness, Saebo, etc.), stroke symposiums, and over 20+ years of working with stroke patients in various settings including acute care, skilled nursing, home health, inpatient and outpatient facilities.

Publications / Presentations by Author:

Stroke Rehab Guide for Patients and Caregivers

Improving Patient Compliance and Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes Through Caregiver Engagement (Webinar from National Stroke Association now apart of American Stroke Association)

6 Tips for Continuing Your Rehab At Home - StrokeSmart Magazine

Adaptive Clothing for Stroke Patients - Ezine article

Credential Verification

When getting stroke rehabilitation information, it is important to verify that your source has expertise. If you are interested in verifying my credentials, you can visit the websites below:

OT License - https://ptot.texas.gov/ot-license-search/

Certified Hand Therapist - https://www.htcc.org/find-a-cht

Stroke Certification - https://strokecertification.com/therapists/

Personal Trainer Certification - https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/find-ace-pro/results/?fname=&lname=

LSVT Certification - https://www.lsvtglobal.com/LSVTFindClinicians


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Stroke Rehab Guide

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to stroke, including education, exercises, and FAQs from stroke patients, check out the Stroke Rehab Guide: 

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Stroke Rehab e-book pdf

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If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to stroke, including education, exercises, and FAQs from stroke patients, check out the Stroke Rehab Guide: 

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Stroke Rehab e-book pdf

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