You can read the Fall 2023 Stroke Recovery Tips below or download the pdf version here.

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to stroke, including education, exercises, and FAQs from stroke patients, check out the Stroke Rehab Guide: 

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Stroke Rehab e-book pdf

Recent Articles

  1. Numbness, Sensory Re-education, and Mirror Therapy

    Question: Hello, 13 months ago, I had three strokes in less than two days. I have movement but have very little sensation in my right hand and arm. I can

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  2. How to Make Neuroplasticity Repeatable On Demand

    Submission from reader: Neuroplasticity is widely touted as a way for stroke survivors to recover. To make it repeatable on demand, what exact signal is

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  3. Only Plays Internet Games and Nothing Else Three Years Post Stroke

    Question: I know playing games for up to 8 hours on the internet is not healthy for anyone. Does anyone know how sitting all day long playing games on

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  4. Sadness After Stroke

    I Get Sad Question:I get so sad at times like I lost the old me, I was very active and now I’m not, I’ve had a complete meltdown and just sobbed. Answer:

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  5. More damage done to paralyzed left arm as a result of carelessness.

    Question: My husband suffered a stroke which caused his entire left side with no feeling or movement. Recently, my husband possibly could have been turned

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  6. Shouting, Confusion, and Anger After Stroke

    Question from reader: My mom had a stroke about a month ago. Physically she is improving, but she has bouts of anger, confusion (says weird things), and

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  7. Cloudy vision after stroke

    Question: My mother had a stroke 1 yr ago. It caused partial loss of vision on her right side. During a 4 day road trip, her vision would get cloudy and

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  8. Flaccid Paralysis After Stroke

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  9. Vision Problems After Stroke

    Answers to patients' questions about vision problems after stroke and treatment.

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  10. Symptoms Getting Worse After Stroke

    If you experience sudden declines or changes after stroke, you should seek medical attention.

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